
The real-time monitor of energy systems

Monitor your aerobic and anaerobic energy generation in real-time during training. Get full control over your high-intensity training.
Avoid permanent endurance reduction and overtraining.
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The metabolic nervous skin refleX monitor is a non-invasive, wearable device that uses skin reflexes to continuously monitor your aerobic and anaerobic energy generation as well as your autonomic nervous system during training.
mnsX shows how your aerobic system warms up and regenerates after a high-intensity interval.
mnsX shows when your anaerobic system supports the aerobic, how much energy it produces, and when it becomes the dominant energy system.
mnsX learns how your energy systems work, sets up a personalized energy generation model, and adjusts it as your abilities improve.
mnsX helps you define the optimal intensity and duration of each high-intensity interval and regeneration phase according to your momentary form at any time during training.
mnsX helps you to improve precisely the ability you wish with maximal efficiency and helps avoid overtraining.
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Real-time monitoring
Real-time monitoring of your energy systems opens a new chapter in training. No more “blind” training! mnsX shows you what’s happening inside your body during every training session.
mnsX's Connect IQ datafield
A new type of data
mnsX monitors your aerobic and anaerobic systems, measures the Safe Energy Production (SEP), the anaerobic support, and shows your aerobic system’s regeneration process after a high-intensity interval.
SEP, the Safe Energy Production, graph and Garmin Edge screenshot.
New dimension:
Safe Energy Production
SEP, the Safe Energy Production, shows the momentary maximal energy generation that the aerobic system is capable of with aerobic domination.
The SEP value is relative, ranging from 0-100%. The effort corresponding to 100% varies from training to training, based on your daily form.
The SEP value and its gradient provide various types of information, depending on the training section (e.g., warmup level, optimal intensity, aerobic system regeneration).
SEP is the key to fully controlled training.
SEP, the Safe Energy Production, graph and Garmin Edge screenshot.
Anaerobic support
The anaerobic system supports the aerobic system when the intensity goes above the AT (Anaerobic Threshold). This support can be either supportive or suppressive.
If the intensity is high, the anaerobic energy production can become dominant and start suppressing the aerobic system. While this is necessary for improving certain abilities, it can lead to a permanent reduction in endurance without proper recovery.
mnsX measures the amount of anaerobic support and indicates whether it is supportive (pink) or suppressive (dark and light blue).
Regeneration monitoring on Garmin Edge, and in the ArguStress iOS app.
Regeneration between intervals
Regeneration of the aerobic system is crucial when anaerobic suppression occurs.
Monitor the regeneration process in real-time with mnsX (green bars above the SEP graph).
mnsX indicates the optimal regeneration intensity (based on the SEP gradient) and shows when your aerobic system has fully regenerated and you're ready for the next high-intensity interval.
With complete regeneration, you can easily avoid overtraining and permanent endurance reduction.
Fully controlled training
No more saying, "Oh, I should have done that differently." Real-time monitoring of your energy systems allows you to adjust your training protocol at any moment and improve the exact ability you want with maximum efficiency, based on your daily form.
Real-time monitoring of aerobic and anaerobic energy generation on Garmin Edge.
Exact ability improvement
During HIIT training, the ratio of aerobic to anaerobic energy generation indicates which ability is being improved.
mnsX measures this ratio in real-time, allowing you to focus on improving the exact ability you want (VO2 max, anaerobic capacity, aerobic power, or other abilities).
With real-time feedback control, you can maximize the efficiency of your ability improvement.
Shifting Power Zones
Real-time feedback control
Power zones continuously shift during training, even within a single interval, due to factors like fatigue, bonking, changes in focus, etc. Staying in the preferred ability improvement zone can be challenging.
During HIIT training, mnsX measures shifts from Zone 4 (out of 7) upwards and calculates it below Z4. mnsX shows you when your intensity moves to a different zone during an interval, allowing you to make minor adjustments to your training protocol and keep improving your chosen ability.
With real-time feedback control, you can maximize the efficiency of your ability improvement in each interval.
mnsX vs. lactate monitoring
Lactate vs. mnsX monitoring
mnsX does NOT replace lactate measurement, but it defines the accurate target power more effectively during HIIT training.
Both mnsX and lactate measure the intensity of anaerobic energy generation, which can be used to define power zones.
Lactate measurement is slow—it takes time for lactate to accumulate or eliminate after an intensity change, whereas mnsX tracks these changes with only a few seconds delay.
With lactate, you must take periodic measurements (e.g., at the end of intervals) and cannot see what happens between those measurements. In contrast, mnsX continuously monitors and shows real-time changes in your energy generation.
Lactate data does not indicate whether the anaerobic energy system is supporting or suppressing the aerobic system, which is crucial for understanding which ability you are improving. mnsX continuously monitors and shows the amount of energy generated by the anaerobic system, whether it supports or suppresses the aerobic system, and precisely which ability you are improving.
mnsX in hand
Avoid overtraining
You can fully regenerate your aerobic system by monitoring and controlling its recovery process after each high-intensity interval.
With proper recovery between high-intensity phases, you can avoid overtraining, shorten the recovery time between sessions, prevent permanent endurance reduction, and maintain your trainability throughout the entire season.
How mnsX works
We discovered that thermal skin reflex contain valuable information about metabolic energy generation and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
Skin reflex and ECG
Like an ECG, which allows us to monitor heart function indirectly, skin reflex can provide insight into the body’s metabolic energy system and autonomic nervous system.
By analyzing the skin reflex curve, we can gather useful information about aerobic and anaerobic energy production, as well as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system functions.
Aerobic and anaerobic
skin reflex
Skin reflex can be classified as aerobic or anaerobic. The type and quality of the skin reflex in a specific area of your body depend on the sport you’re involved in, your previous athletic history, and possibly genetics.
Our experience shows that each person’s skin is unique, and skin reflex can vary from one centimeter to the next. This makes measuring skin reflex challenging, as it requires identifying the correct spot to gather meaningful data.
But you don’t have to worry—mnsX is smart! When you begin using mnsX by doing various HIIT training sessions, it can determine, with its unique sensor system and measuring method, where your aerobic and anaerobic reflexes are located.
edge 1050 with mnsX real-time data
Metabolic and autonomic nervous skin reflex
Anaerobic reflex can originate from either the metabolic system or the autonomic nervous system. mnsX can differentiate between the two and use this information to monitor both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity.
Athlete's body metabolic and nervous model
Personalized energy model
When you begin using mnsX, it locates the areas of your aerobic and anaerobic reflexes through various HIIT training sessions. During this process, it also creates a personalized energy model, which we call the Body Metabolic Nervous Model (BMNM).
The BMNM includes the parameters of your aerobic and anaerobic abilities, details about your autonomic nervous system, and information about your endurance and aerobic/anaerobic fatigue and regeneration characteristics.
mnsX use up-to-date FTP and power zones data at each training.
Personal up-to-date training partner
mnsX continuously updates the BMNM model. Each time you upload your training data to our cloud, the cloud analyzer evaluates the training data and adjusts the model if necessary.
With the BMNM model and real-time measured data, mnsX can provide accurate, personalized guidance during your HIIT training, ensuring you get the best support based on your current fitness level.
mnsX isn’t a sensor. It is a personalized computer and an ultimate training partner!
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