Real-time Monitoring
ArguStress Connect IQ™ App
Real-time monitoring of energy systems unlocks a new chapter in high-intensity training. mnsX continuously monitors your aerobic and anaerobic energy generation during training and sends real-time data to your Garmin device.
Real-time data helps you optimize your training protocol at any time during the training, and helps you know the optimal intensity and duration of each high-intensity and regeneration phase according to your momentary form.
mnsX uses a method based on our physiological discovery to calculate the Safe Energy Production, which unlocks complete control over your training.
New Dimension: Safe Energy Production
SEP, the Safe Energy Production, graph and Garmin Edge screenshot.
SEP, the Safe Energy Production, shows the momentary maximal energy generation that the aerobic system is capable of with aerobic domination.
You get real-time SEP data from mnsX during training (red graph). SEP value is relative, and its range is 0-100%. The effort that belongs to 100% is changing from training to training. It is based on your daily form.
SEP's value and gradient contain a lot of different types of information, which depends on the section of training (warmup, high-intensity, regeneration phase, or cooldown).
SEP is the key to complete control over your training.
Learn more about SEP
Anaerobic Support
SEP, the Safe Energy Production, graph and Garmin Edge screenshot.
When the energy consumption of the intensity is higher than the momentary aerobic energy production, the anaerobic system helps the aerobic. The anaerobic support can be supportive or suppressive. It depends on which energy system is dominant, which depends on how big the energy consumption is, which depends on how high the intensity is.
If the intensity is too high, the anaerobic energy production can become dominant and start suppressing the aerobic. This is necessary for some ability improvement, but it can lead to permanent endurance reduction without proper regeneration.
mnsX sends real-time data about the anaerobic support to your Garmin device. It displays how much the anaerobic support is. It displays whether the anaerobic support is supportive (pink) or suppressive (light and dark blue). Also, you can monitor how much it suppresses the aerobic system.
Learn more about the Anaerobic Support
Regeneration between intervals
Regeneration monitoring on Garmin Edge, and in the ArguStress iOS app.
The regeneration of the aerobic system is crucial between high-intensity phases, especially if there is an anaerobic suppression. On your Garmin, you can follow the regeneration process and see the optimal intensity and duration of each regeneration phase.
The Connect IQ app indicates the regeneration status with three levels (green block right above the SEP graph). Level one means the regeneration has been started. Level two means the regeneration is happening. Level three means your aerobic system is completely regenerated and you are ready for the next high-intensity phase.
During the regeneration phase, SEP's gradient helps you know the optimal regeneration intensity. The steepest upward gradient means the fastest regeneration.
With real-time regeneration monitoring, you can completely regenerate your aerobic system after each suppression and avoid permanent endurance reduction at high-intensity training.
Learn more about Regeneration Monitoring
Training protocol adjustment
Real-time monitoring of aerobic and anaerobic energy generation on Garmin Edge.
Power zones continuously shift not only between two trainings but between two high-intensity phases (because of fatigue, bonking, different focus, etc.). Training at the right intensity to improve the desired ability is not easy.
Monitoring the momentary ratio of aerobic and anaerobic energy generation helps you know which ability you improve exactly.
With the real-time SEP and anaerobic support data, mnsX helps you know the optimal intensity for a given duration, the optimal duration for a given intensity, and the number of reps of each high-intensity phase. mnsX helps you optimize your training protocol at any time during the training, according to your momentary form, and improve your desired ability with maximal efficiency.
Learn more about the Optimal Training Protocol
Maintain your trainability
You can maintain your trainability through the entire season if you avoid overtraining, a.k.a. under-regeneration. Following the regeneration process after each high-intensity phase helps you to regenerate your aerobic system completely.
With the proper regeneration between high-intensity phases, you can avoid overtraining, shorten the regeneration time between two trainings, and avoid permanent endurance reduction.
Monitoring the momentary ratio of aerobic and anaerobic energy generation helps you know whether you improve your speed (anaerobic capacity) or endurance (aerobic capacity). Monitoring the regeneration process between high-intensity phases helps you avoid permanent endurance reduction. This means you can improve your anaerobic capacity with high-intensity training while keeping your endurance.
Learn more about Monitoring
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